"On your marks, get set, ..."
![Jean-Marc Meessen](/images/avatars/jmMeessen.jpg)
In a couple of days, the Jenkins GSoC 2023 preparation will culminate with our official Organization Application. It is now time to shed some light on what is coming next.
Since December 2022, we have actively prepared the Jenkins project for the 2023 edition of Google Summer of Code (GSoC). This entailed collecting and discussing project ideas, setting up a mentoring team, and giving advice on how to build the necessary "GSoC Jenkins muscle".
Our application will be submitted shortly, and on February 22, we will know if we are part of the adventure again.
Although we are waiting for Google’s decision, we will start the next GSoC phase without delay. In this phase, the candidates will prepare their detailed GSoC application with the help of the Jenkins Community. The proposals are based on the 2023 project ideas. The phase will culminate with the selection of the students/contributors participating in in this year’s GSoC. The deadline for the application is April 4.
Please carefully review the guidelines for a successful application on the Information for GSoC Contributors page.
In a nutshell, select a project idea and begin thinking about how you will build a proposal to convince the mentors that you are the best candidate to bring the project to a successful end.
We will help you through the currently available channels such as the Community forum and Gitter, and also with weekly on-line office-hours. During these meetings you can ask for any clarification, disambiguation, or precision on the project ideas or the GSoC program. These sessions will be recorded so that everyone can benefit from them.
Before setting up the weekly Office Hours, we will organize a poll to determine a time that suits the timezones of most of the candidates. Last year, we held sessions at 14h00 UTC for Europe and Asia, and 03h00 UTC for the US and the Pacific.
When the Jenkins participation in GSoC 2023 is confirmed, you can actively start working on your draft proposal. Make these drafts available to the Jenkins Community for review via the community forum. Previous years' experience shows that proposals not submitted for the public discussion and review process, are not selected due to being less convincing. This may be a new and uncomfortable way of approaching such candidatures for you, but it is the Open Source way Further discussion and review is rewarding and gives you the best chances to be selected.
Collaborate as much as you can, as it is the best way to have a strong and successful proposal. Actively use the GSoC Community topic, the GSoC Gitter channel, or the Office Hour sessions.
Some useful preparation notes
Recording of the GSoC 2023: A Guide to Better Preparations for Candidates session.